Annual reports filing

The program allows automatic generation of certain formats of annual reports. Currently, it is possible to generate balances, income statements (scheme 1), and partly cash flow reports and annexes to reports. In order to do so, click on ‘Add an annual report’ and select the period of the economic year. When entering a period, the forms of the annual report are created. If you change the scheme 1 of income statement to scheme 2 in the Company Registration Portal under annual reports, then data is not added automatically.

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After creating a report, the period of the economic year can be changed, the report can be sent to the Annual Reports Portal, it can be deleted or viewed as a PDF.

After sending it to the Annual Reports Portal, the report must be completed, signed and submitted in the Company Registration Portal > Annual reports.

Depending on the initial data, report data may contain small approximation errors, which the user can correct in the Annual Reports Portal if necessary. Software is constantly improving and new generated report forms are added constantly (such as annexes); the approximation logic is also refined.