Incoming and Outgoing Payments report allows reviewing data of all invoices or invoices past their due date.
Reports can be filtered and sorted. Incoming and Outgoing Payments report filter allows selecting the type of invoices, due date, buyer/supplier and the period for which the report is created. Filter can be cleared by clicking on ‘Clear filter’. A report can be sorted according to the invoice number, date, due date, sum, received and outstanding sums. The detailed view of purchase and sales invoices does not allow sorting based on received and outstanding sums, paid and unpaid sums.
Under the type, it is possible to select between the aggregated view and detailed view of sales/purchase invoices.
The aggregated view displays buyer, invoice number, date, due date, sum, received and outstanding sums, days past due date and delinquency interest.
In addition to invoices, the detailed view displays information about when the invoice was settled and the dates of receiving payments; it does not display fields for days past due date and delinquency interest.