5.11 Breakdown of sales revenue (companies)

If the report is XBRL-based and all reporting data have been entered and saved in the reporting forms, you can proceed with breaking down the sales revenue in the main view of the report

In order to fill in the breakdown of sales revenue, you have to click on “Enter the breakdown of sales revenue” in the main view of the report.

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On the page displayed, the sales revenue has to be divided between the fields of activities (provided that the revenue in the respective period was bigger than zero). The main indicator “Total sales revenue” will be displayed according to the data entered into the income statement.

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The breakdown of sales revenue should show up to 10 major fields of activity in the financial year or, at least 90% of the sales revenue must be divided between the fields of activity. You can divide the fields of activity in accordance with the 4th or 5th accuracy class of the Classification of Economic Activities (EMTAK).

In order to add a field of activity, enter the EMTAK code or select the field from the Classification. To open the Classification, click on the “Choose” link. Next the Classification will open in a new window; you can make searches in the Classification by keywords, too. To select a suitable field of activity, click on “[Choose]”.

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After entering the EMTAK code or selecting the field of activity, you can enter the sales revenue and click on “Save”.

If you have gained sales revenues from more than one field of activity, you should add them one by one in the section of adding the fields of activity. First select the code of the field of activity, then add the sales revenue and save the data. After that continue adding the next fields of activity until you have accounted for at least 90% of the sales revenue. In case of incorporated entities, the system will define the percentage of sales revenue and the principle activity itself. After entering the data on the breakdown of sales revenue, click on “Back to the main view of the report”.

If the report was uploaded as a PDF file, you have to click on “Enter main indicators and the breakdown of sales revenue” in the main view of the report in order to fill in the sales revenue report. First you have to enter the basic indicators on the displayed page: the number of employees, balance sheet total, sales revenue and then save your data. After that you can add fields of activity.

The main activity cannot be determined by the company itself. It is determined automatically based on the data entered. 

If the sales revenue gained in the reporting period is zero, you will see two options:
• “No economic activity was performed”;
• “Operating company, but did not gain sales revenue” .

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Choose one and save your selection. If you choose the second option, you will see the field for adding a field of activity.