6.1 Title page

The title page of the report is prepared in advance but you can change and amend it by clicking on “Upgrade the title page of the report”.

Image removed.

In the view of title page reviewing you can change the data on the title page, upgrade it and add a picture or logo if necessary. Allowed file formats are JPG, GIF, or PNG, with a maximum size of 800x1150px.

To add a picture to the title page, select “Add new picture”, click on “Upload the picture” and it will appear in the horizontal box below the text area of the title page. You can drag it to the right place in the text box of the title page with the mouse.

Save the changes and you will be directed to the report reviewing view. When you click on “Load default title page”, all changes will be cancelled and a default generated title page will be saved to the report.