
Daybook displays all entries by dates.

All entries in the Daybook can be filtered and searched. It is possible to filter based on start/end date and type. When searching according to type, a drop-down menu can be used for selecting whether to search based on date or type of entry. For filtering, you can enter search dates on the start and end date fields. If you enter only the start date, the program will search for entries made on and after the respective date. If you enter the end date, the program will find all entries made until that date. If you enter both the start and the end date, the program will find all entries within that period.

If you have selected parameters for the filter, then you need to click the ‘Show on screen’ button to display the results.

It is possible to search based on the number of an entry and transaction title.

A list of entries can be saved and displayed in the PDF or Excel format.