In the confirmation stage, information is displayed about related persons who can sign the application. In the case of a first entry application, all persons must sign. In the case of a change application, all newly added persons should sign and if the legal entity does not have the special rights of representation, then the application should be signed by at least one previous person with the right of representation, the application does not have to be signed by persons who are deleted from the list of persons with the application.
If desired, it is possible to send a notification letter to the signers directly from the portal to inform them of the application awaiting signature. These persons must click on the link received in the e-mail log in to the system with an ID card or mobile ID.
(Or log in and select "Dashboard" on the main page and then click on the name of the related legal entity and on the following page select the "Applications" tab and open the application to be signed. If the person had no previous connection with a legal entity, select "Dashboard" on the main page and then the "Other applications" from left menu, where you will find the statement to be signed, which can be opened by clicking on the name of the legal entity.)
In the signature view, you can order a notification to your e-mail, which will be sent when all persons on the list have signed the application.
Before signing, revierw the content of the application and if everything is suitable, press "Sign". After pressing the "Sign" button, the user will be redirected to the signing page, where after a few moments the user will be asked for the PIN2 code. Due to the fact that after entering the PIN-2, a digital signature is created on the document, which may result in legal obligations for the signer, the signer must be convinced that they agree with the content of the information to be signed. In case of doubt, you can go back to the stage of preparing the application and check the content of the documents.
If necessary, it is also possible to go back to preparing the application after signing. To do this, you must first press the "Back to change application" button, this button will delete all given digital signatures, and after changing the application data, everyone must sign again.
NB! Please ensure that all required signatures are given to the application before proceeding to the next stage of the application. (For some types of applications, the portal cannot automatically check who are must sign)