Name search

The name query allows you to search whether there are same and similar registered (business) names to the searched name, and if the name query also specifies the legal form, the planned field of activity, the correspondence is also checked from the trademark register

The business name of a business must be clearly distinguishable from other business names entered in the business register, and the names of non-profits and foundations must be clearly distinguished from other names of non-profit organizations and foundations entered in the register.

The business name of a sole proprietorship (FIE) must contain the entrepreneur's first and last name and may not contain a supplement or abbreviation referring to the company. A sole proprietor can have multiple business names if these names are used for different businesses.

The name query allows you to search for a name and choose the level of accuracy with which you want to see similar names.

The name query does not give a definite answer as to whether the legal entity with the searched name can be entered in the register or not (the registrar makes this decision during the process), but it helps the person requesting the name to do preliminary work and find information about whether legal entities or trademarks with a similar name have already been entered in the register.
