All articles that are sold and purchased (products/services), which the company uses for preparing invoices, must be entered into Products and Services.
The Products and Services page has two tabs – Active and Inactive Products/Services.
Active Products and Servicestab can be used for adding a new product/service by opening the product/service, for changing the existing product/service and making the product/service inactive.
Inactive Products and Servicestab can be used for adding a new product/service; by opening an inactive product/service, the product/service can be made active or it can be deleted. A product/service cannot be deleted if there are any entries or documents related to it.
An existing product/service can be opened by clicking on the name of a product/service.
It is possible to search and sort products/services. Products/services can be searched based on their names and codes. In order to cancel search parameters, click on the ‘Clear search’ button.
Sorting is possible based on name, code, type, sales price, prime cost and description.
A new product/service can be added by selecting Billing > Products/services > Add new product from the program menu.
A window opens that contains:
• Name – product/service name field is obligatory. It will be added to the ‘Name on invoice’ field when entering a sales invoice.
• Name (English) – name of the product/service in English.
• Code – required field. When adding a code, you must check that this would provide sufficient information about a product/service. Adding products to a sales invoice is ordered based on the codes. The codes cannot recur.
• Income account – income account of a product/service. If this account is entered, it will be displayed on the ‘Name on the invoice’ field of a sales invoice.
• Purchase account – expense account of a product/service. Filling in this field creates an opportunity to select a product/service entered with a purchase account from the product/service row when adding a purchase invoice.
• Description
• Unit – when this field is filled in, the entered data is displayed on a sales or purchase invoice.
• Sale price – when this field is filled in, the data is displayed on the sales invoice in the net amount cell.
• Prime cost
• Activity text – here you can search based on an EMTAK code, word or part of a word.
• EMTAK code – only the exact ETMAK code must be entered on this field. If EMTAK code is entered for all products/services, then a precise classification of sales revenue can be created automatically when generating an annual report.
In order to save a product/service, click on ‘Save’.
When a product/service card is opened, it displays:
• Product/service data.
• Sales invoices related to the product/service.
Data of a product/service can be changed by clicking on ‘Change product/service data’.
Sales invoices related to a product/service can be filtered according to the beginning and end of a period, invoice number or buyer.