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Front page
e-Business Register
How can we help you?
e-Business Register Queries
Open data of the e-Business Register
Quick search
Detailed search
Visualised Business Register
Beneficial owners
Search for Entries
Search for Fines
Search for Rulings
XML service (API)
Business Registry Statistics
European Business Register
Shopping cart and purchase history
Contract Conclusion
Instructions for the administrator user of contractual client
Name search
Entering to the e-Business Register
Password reset
Applications and dashboard
Entry on a specific date
Entering to the e-Business Register
Viewing data of a legal person related to you
Signing the application
Business name reservation
Using ID-card
Establishment of a new legal person
Making a share capital contribution (OÜ)
Changing data of legal person
Kontaktisiku teavitused
Changing the submitted application
Withdrawal of application
Application for dissolution and deletion
Application for return of capital (OÜ)
Appeal against a ruling
Adding a Data Protection Officer
Usaldushalduse registreerimine
Notification service
Restore to registry after deletion
Filing of annual reports
1. Entering the portal
2. Assign and remove the persons entering the data
3. Assigning auditors/sworn auditors
4. Creating new reports
The category of reporting forms
5. Compiling a report
6. Reviewing a report
7. Signing a report
8. Auditing a report
8.b Revising a report
9. Additional parts of the report; the proposal for profit distribution/loss coverage and the respective resolution
10. Submitting reports to the Register
11. Viewing and completing incomplete reports
12. Submission of a revised report
13. Options for foreign residents
14. Creating tables in additional information cells
Submission of information on special requirements for economic activities
FAQ arising in relation to submitting the annual report
E-filing guide of annual reports RUS (2010)
Quick start guide
Closing entries for the financial year
Sending electronic invoices to the public sector
Sending electronic invoices to public sector (RUS)
Digitization of invoices
E-Financials modules
Administration of authorizations and rights in the e-Tax Office
E-arveldaja API
Frequently asked questions
EMTAK guidlines (EST)