Using ID-card

Instructions for using the ID card (digi-ID) in the e-Business Register Portal

In order to successfully enter the portal and sign the annual report with an ID card/digi-ID, you need the following:

In the event that you fail to enter the portal, check whether the ID card administration tool is able to read the data of the ID card/digi-ID in the card reader.

NB! ID cards issued after 01.01.2011 have the contact chip on the reverse side of the card. Make sure you insert the card in the reader the right way up.

If reading data in the ID card administration tool is successful, try to load the photograph. For this purpose, click the white box named ‘Load picture’ on the right. As you do this, your PIN1 will be asked. If loading the picture is successful, any errors encountered when using the ID card should generally be caused by the configuration of the web browser.

Possible errors when entering the portal and signing annual reports and the solutions thereto: