Changing the submitted application

If you have submitted an application to the register, but immediately find out (before the registrar has made the changes in the register) that you want to change/supplement the application data, or have received a ruling from the registrar to eliminate deficiencies, you can do so by opening the applications page of legal person and then click on the application.




In the submitted application view, click on the "Change the application" button



Next the application view will open where you can make the necessary changes, re-sign the application, and submit. If the state fee has already been paid for the application, it is not necessary to do it again.

NB! However, if the procedure related to the application has already ended, ie the changes described in the application have been entered in the register (or the registrar has ended the procedure with a negative entry ruling), it is not possible to change the existing application. In that case a new application should be started and the state fee must also be paid.

Read also: Guidelines if instead of changing the initial application, you wish to withdraw it