
The Entries sub-module has two tabs: Entries and Entry Templates.

In the Entries tab, you can see all accounting entries, which are usually prepared automatically based on documents entered in other modules or when adding an entry manually.

Entries can be sorted, filtered and searched. It is possible to filter according to the start and end date. For filtering, you can enter search dates on the start and end date fields. If you enter only the start date, the program will search for entries made on and after the respective date. If you enter the end date, the program will find all entries made until that date. If you enter both the start and end date, the program will find all entries within that period.

If you have selected parameters for the filter, then you need to click the ‘View on screen’ button to display the results; if you want to clear the filter, you need to click on the ‘Clear filter’ button.

Sorting is possible based on the entry number, date, type of entry, document number, sum and transaction title.

It is possible to search based on the entry number, type of entry, document number and transaction title.

A list of entries can be saved and displayed in the PDF or Excel format.


A new entry can be added by selecting Accounting -> Entries -> Add a new entry in the program menu.

•              Entry number – added automatically by the system; this cannot be changed.

•              Entry date – shows the date of adding an accounting entry. It is possible to use both future and past dates.

•              Document number – you can add the number of the document related to the entry.

•              Transaction details – needs to be filled in so it would be possible to find it quickly in the entry list later.

•              Buyer/supplier/employee – pick a unit from the field for the entry.

•              Account selection – accounts must be selected according to transaction. Accounting principles must be observed (asset accounts increase on the debit side and decrease on the credit side, liability accounts increase on the credit side and decrease on the debit side, etc.). When making entries manually, you must exercise caution so that the entry accounts, as well as debit and credit sides are correctly selected; otherwise, bookkeeping will be incorrect!

•              Debit/credit – sums must be equal; otherwise, entry cannot be confirmed.

When you click on ‘Add row’, you can add more rows to accounts; debit and credit must still remain equal.

When adding entries, the options are ‘Save entry’ and ‘Confirm entry’. In order to make a new entry visible in reports and declarations, you must always confirm it. Unconfirmed entries are highlighted in yellow.

In order to open an entry, you must click on the entry number on the entry row. When opening an unconfirmed entry, it can be saved with changes, confirmed or voided. When a confirmed entry is opened, you can save the entry, save it as an entry template, start a new entry with identical data, start a correcting entry or delete the entry.

When adding a correcting entry, the initial entry is not changed; instead, the existing one is corrected.

Entry templates – allows easy location and re-use of frequently used entries. Any entry that is manually registered can be saved as an entry template – in order to do this, open the preview of a manually registered entry and click on ‘Save as entry template’. If there are any entry templates saved, then next time the system will offer an option to load data from the entry row ‘Load data from template’.