The approval process in general

Pursuant to § 30 (6) of the General Part of the Economic Activities Code Act, an association must confirm the accuracy of existing activity licenses and economic activity reports together with the annual report. The annual report is submitted electronically on the e-business register portal

The requirement to approve activity licenses and notices of economic activities with the annual report applies to reports submitted as of 01.01.2015, the beginning of which is 01.01.2014 or later. In addition, please note the following restrictions:

  • In the specific calendar year in which the deadline for submitting the annual report falls, confirmations can only be submitted with the report for the last period of the previous financial year.
    Example: In 2015, confirmations can only be provided with the report for the 2014 financial year. If the report for the financial year 2013 is submitted in 2015, it is no longer possible to submit confirmations.
  • With the annual report (incl. revised report), confirmations can be submitted (and correct) only up to six months after the deadline for submission of the annual report.
  • Example: If the deadline for submitting the annual report is 30.06.2015, it is possible to submit confirmations until 31.12.2015. If the (repeated) report is submitted on or after 01.01.2016, it is no longer possible to submit confirmations.

An association that has not approved its licenses and business reports together with its annual report no later than six months after the deadline for submitting the report shall be deemed to have given up business in the special requirements registers and its registry data may be revoked.

At present, it is possible to submit confirmations together with the annual report to the following registers of special requirements interfaced with the e-Business Register Portal:

  • Register of economic activities,
  • Register of activity licenses of the State Agency of Medicines,
  • National Register of Healthcare Activity Licenses
  • Farm animal register

If the company has activity licenses in another register of special requirements, the confirmationss must be sent to them outside the portal by contacting the authority managing the specific register of special requirements.