
Buyer/Supplier module has two tabs: Active and Inactive Buyers and Suppliers.

In the Active Buyers and Suppliers tab,it is possible to add new buyers, suppliers, add and change data and set their status to ‘Inactive’.

In the Inactive Buyers and Suppliers tab,the status of buyers and suppliers can be changed to ‘Active’ or they can be deleted. For this, open an inactive buyer/supplier and click on ‘Reactivate’ or ‘Delete buyer’. If there are any transactions reconciled to a buyer/supplier, then that entity cannot be deleted from inactive buyers. A deleted buyer/supplier cannot be restored. We recommend making a buyer or a supplier inactive if you do not cooperate actively with that buyer or supplier any more (do not issue invoices) because inactive buyers and suppliers are not displayed in the list of buyers/suppliers when preparing an invoice.

It is possible to search and sort buyers/suppliers. Possible search parameters are the name of buyer/supplier, business registry code and address.

Sorting is possible according to name, business registry code, address, e-mail, phone number and identification (a buyer or a supplier).

A new buyer can be added by selecting Billing > Buyers/Suppliers > Add new buyer/supplier from the program menu.


A window opens that contains:

•      A buyer – if you mark this, the name of the buyer is only displayed on sales invoices.

•      A supplier – if you mark this, the name of the supplier is only displayed on purchase invoices.

•      Natural person – buyer or supplier is a natural person.

•      Juridical person – buyer or supplier is an entity/organization. This selection means that adding a business registry code is mandatory.

•      Issuer country of Business registry code/Personal identity code – if the selected country is Estonia and the person is a juridical person, then a business registry code is mandatory; when selecting another country, business registry code is voluntary.

•      Name – name of the buyer/supplier.

•      Business registry code/Personal identity code – personal identity code or a business registry code of the buyer/supplier. When you have marked the buyer/supplier as a legal person who is registered in Estonia, data can be loaded from the Business Registry (Äriregister). State and local institutions are an exception; in the case of these agencies, data cannot be uploaded from the Business Registry because their information is kept in the State Register of State and Local Government Agencies. In order to add a state or local government agency as a buyer/supplier, all fields must be filled in manually.

•      Legal address – legal address in the Register.

•      Postal address – address of the buyer/supplier.

•      Default account for purchase invoices – in the case of supplier, account must be selected from the drop-down menu.

•      Comment – here you can add additional information about a buyer or a loan. This is displayed in internal lists with a red exclamation mark after the name of the buyer/supplier.

•      E-mail – e-mail address of the buyer/supplier; when selecting ‘Use for sales invoices’, this e-mail is added as the e-mail address of the buyer when sending a sales invoice.

•      Accounting e-mail – another e-mail can be added for sending invoices. When selecting ‘Use for sales invoices’, this e-mail is added as the e-mail address of the buyer when sending a sales invoice.

•      The place of supply of goods – country of turnover.

•      Contact person.

•      Contact phone.

•      Bank payment order beneficiary name – enter when the beneficiary is different from the buyer/supplier.

•      Bank account no. – this needs to be entered to prepare a bank payment order automatically.

•      Reference number of purchase invoices – a reference number that is added to purchase invoices. Here you can enter a reference number if the reference number of supplier invoices is the same on all invoices. If each invoice has a different reference number, then the reference number must be added when entering a purchase invoice.

•      Reference number of sales invoices – a reference number that is added to sales invoices. It is recommended to add this for automatic reconciliation. A reference number entered here will automatically be displayed on sales invoices.

•      Due date on sales invoice (in days) – this due date is displayed on sales invoices.

•      Delinquency charge on sales invoice (% per day) – this delinquency charge is displayed on sales invoices.

•      VAT (KMKR) number – it is possible to add the VAT number of the buyer/supplier.


The buyer/supplier view is divided between two tabs: Buyer’s Details and Entries Related to the Buyer.

Buyer’s Details tab allows changing information about a buyer and make the buyer inactive. The view displays:

•      Buyer details – displays general information about a buyer/supplier.

•      Balances – account balances related to a specific buyer/supplier.

•      Balance confirmations – prepared balance confirmations. Here it is also possible to add a balance confirmation by clicking on ‘Add balance confirmation’.

•      Incoming/outgoing payments – all incoming/outgoing payments related to a buyer/supplier.

•      Purchase invoices of a buyer – all purchase invoices related to a buyer/supplier.

•      Sales invoices of a buyer – all sales invoices related to a buyer/supplier.


Entries related to a buyerdisplays all accounting entries related to a specific buyer/supplier.