Digitization of invoices

Digitization is the entry and sending of invoice information in digital form to the software.

In the e-Financials it is possible to enter into a digitization agreement with an ID card or Mobile ID if it is allowed in the e-Financials software to accept the e-invoices.

The price, speed and requirements for digitizing invoices depend on the selected operator. When selecting an operator, the price list of the digitization service appears.

The contract can be concluded: Settings -> Digitization -> Sign a contract with the operator.

When concluding a contract, it is necessary to fulfill:

  • E-mail
  • Operator (currently only Envoice)
  • Preferred settlement bank (for settling digitization fees)
  • Digitization of invoice lines:
    • Invoice lines not digitized - general invoice data and amounts are digitized by tax rates
    • Invoice lines are digitized - in addition to the general invoice data, the following information about all products / services on the invoice is digitized: description of the goods / services, unit, quantity, net amount, VAT rate and total amount.
  • Accountant's e-mail address - the digitization service invoice and erroneous e-mails sent for digitization if the agreed conditions are not met will be sent to this e-mail address.

After clicking the "Preview contract" button, you must confirm your consent with a digital signature. Then you have to press the button "Forward the contract to the operator" and the contract is concluded. The contract information will also be notified to the e-mail address.

You will then also receive an e-mail address to which you can send your invoices in PDF and JPG format.

Ending the contract

The agreement can be terminated in Settings -> Digitization -> View -> Termination.