11. Viewing and completing incomplete reports

Reports are displayed in two parts in the view of reports to be submitted.

Image removed.

The first part contains the list of reports that have been created but not submitted to the register as yet. Descriptions of report statuses:

  • “Submission in progress” – compilation of the report is still in Stage 1;
  • “Verified” – the main reports and notes have been filled in, the report has been sent to Stage 2 “Reviewing a report”.
  • “Report sent to signing”– the report is complete and has been sent to signing;
  • “Waiting for auditing”– the report has been signed by all members of the management board and has been sent to auditing;
  • “Audited” – the auditor has added the auditor’s report and signed it digitally;
  • “Auditor’s report withdrawn” – the auditor has withdrawn the added auditor’s report.

You can view an incomplete report or proceed with submitting it by clicking on “view” at the end of the row. You can delete an incomplete report by clicking on “delete” at the end of the row.

The second part contains the list of the reports that have been submitted to the Register and cannot be changed (a new - repeat report must be submitted to change - kordusaruanne). You can view a submitted report by clicking on “view” at the end of the row.