List of updates

From the spring of 2023, we will publish information on this page about the updates made to the e-Business Register Portal.


  • Added information of LEI code in the data view for companies to which it has been issued
    • Supplement to applications for prohibition marks:
    • When adding a claimant, the name and code are separated by a space.
    • Instead of removing prohibition marks, adding is not displayed incorrectly.
    • The name of the bailiff is converted if it is entered in capital letters.
    • When removing prohibition marks together with the transfer of a share, the system now requires a document of the transfer of a share.
    • The transfer of a share data is now always included in the application with metadata.
  • Improvements to the usability of the mobile view
  • Improvements in the detailed data search. Improved address selection. It is now possible to select all parts of the building in the ADS.
  • Application improvement. It is now possible to enter the e-mail address of the registrar of parts who is a foreign person.
  • In the event of liquidation, the portal no longer requires their signature if there is a supervisory board.
  • The empty warning box is no longer displayed in the confirmation view of the apartment association change entry application.
  • Procedure information addition. Now procedures are also displayed under the procedure information if their type is an application.
  • Deletion application addition. When deleting a trust or general partnership without liquidation, the liquidators' confirmation text is no longer displayed in the application.
  • Additional authorization check added to the contact person so that it would not be possible to submit an application with expired authorization.
  • EBR user registration addition. Added email validation and improved sending of the registration email.
  • Addition to the display of the list of political parties. Now the list is displayed in alphabetical order, including taking into account entries with capital letters.
  • The user no longer receives a system error when opening the summary view of an association that was established upon division and made only declarative (the register code exists but is in project status).
  • EMTAK search: improvement in keyword suggestions in the search
  • EMTAK search: order of content of transition tables


  • Corrections
    • Sending applications to the employee register 24 hours after the first entry comes into force.
    • Adding the option to start a search with enter in the prohibition notice application.
    • Improvements to filing an appeal in the prohibition notice application
    • After paying the state fee, the application is now automatically sent to the registrar with the default selection, if the user wants to send it later, they must remove the checkmark.
    • EMTAK search: the default version of the advanced search is "EMTAK 2025"
  • Bug fixes
    • The selection of cities in the contractual client view has been improved.
    • The error in the debtor search in the prohibition notice application has been corrected.
    • A system error has been corrected on the desktop with less than 10 apartment owners.
    • The error of bypassing the payment of the state fee when changing parts has been corrected.
    • The error of staying in the status of the appeal in the ruling has been corrected.
    • The error of missing a comma when entering amounts in the English view of the articles of association has been corrected.
    • One prohibition notice application can be submitted for one part at a time.
    • If there are multiple prohibition marks associated with a part, the user can choose which mark to delete.
    • Fixed a bug with opening documents.
    • Fixed a filter for persons entered in the register in the desktop view.
    • Fixed an error message in the form field when entering a person
    • Fixed the title of the application for withdrawing an application for a natural person



  • Bug fixes
  • Fixes for system errors when opening the overview, downloading the contract, and the express procedure statute.
  • Improved the design of the information bubble on the user rights management form.
  • Fixed the display of prohibition signs in the list of shareholders
  • EMTAK 2025 related improvements
  • Improvements in usability


  • Company tracking functionality improvements
    • The number of pages is now displayed in the notification search results
    • If a user has received 50 company trackings, the option to add a notification will no longer be displayed.
    • Summary letter improvements. Only one letter is sent and the changes in the letter are grouped by company and in descending order by the time the change occurred.
    • The notification is not sent if the balance sheet is hidden (in case of reinstatement)
    • If a company is deleted, then information is sent only about this fact
    • If several regulations have been made to the company during x period, then they will be shown as separate lines
    • Email validation and error display are harmonized with those used in the application.
    • The company registry code in the change letter is now linked and leads to the view of a specific company in the commercial register.
    • The change notification is now sent for all changes in non-transaction data. Previously, it was not sent in some cases.
    • A notification of a change will also be sent regarding a change in the business prohibition.
    • Now a notification will also be sent regarding the fact of submitting the annual report.
    • Various visual improvements
    • The search for monitored companies now also returns companies in a deleted state.
    • Addition of the change type completion. If a certain change cannot be selected for a company with a certain legal form, the change selection will be displayed as inactive
    • Improvements to the UI of mobile views
  • Addition of the EMTAK2025 version to the search for ÄR activities
  • In open data files (, the personal identification code is no longer filled in. The data field personal identification code_hash has been added, through which it is possible to link persons in the future. It will be applied with the generation of the open data file tomorrow.
  • Additions to the display of procedures in the procedure information. Added information bubble and improved clarity in a situation where a regulation is in force, but the related procedure is not visible
  • Essential services providers (hereinafter ETO) first stage developments. A new option "Free personnel check" will appear in the portal's association desktop view for persons with the right to represent ETOs


  • Emtak additions. Removing duplicate text from the explanation.
  • Addition to the branch name check. Changed so that only the name of a branch entered in the same register is checked and other checks are not applied to the branch.
  • Addition to the business name reservation application. If the user has not entered the legal form in the business name reservation application, the user will not be allowed to select a name before the legal form and field of activity have been entered.
  • Improvement in the EMTAK search. The number of results is no longer displayed incorrectly to the user.
  • Capital correction. If the capital is increased by more than 50,000, the e-Business Register requires the user to also include a bank statement with the application.
  • Changed the order of the steps for VAT registration and BO entry.


  • Improvement in displaying notifications. Now the user can see a new updated notification even if he has read and closed the previous notification.
  • Additions to the list of members of the political party establishment and improvements to free work.
  • New background work for political parties. If a party is deleted or transformed into a regular non-profit organization, the system automatically removes all party members from the party system.
  • Addition to the first entry of political parties. The party is allowed to start adding members manually only after the system has automatically entered the members specified in the application.
  • Improvement of the summary view. Now it is possible to click on the legal entity related to the company again to move to the consolidated data view of the company (including shareholders)
  • Additions to the enterprise register
    • It is now possible to download a printout of the legal succession from the documents block
    • Now the date of establishment is also displayed in the general information block
    • In the case of a deleted company, the data also displays data related to the deletion (archiving, document holder, etc.)
    • When re-registering, the business register code is displayed in the general information block
  • Additions to the name check.
    • Added trademark check in the selected field of activity - only in company applications
    • Added pronunciation similarity check
    • Added check for the content of place names - only in company applications
    • Added check for words from the grey and black lists
    • Added check for the content of certain words ("municipality", "city", etc.) - only in company applications
    • Added check for the content of state and local government institutions - only in company applications



  • Corrections and improvements
    • Improving the automatic translation of regulations.
    • The confirmation of the , an interim trustee in bankruptcy is also visible in PDF.
    • Correction of the requirement for signatories in the application for change of means of communication
    • Corrections to the reinstatement statement
    • Improvements to the data view and printout display of shareholders and building society members
    • Improvements to the employee registration application
    • Other minor fixes


  • Other updates
    • Users can now submit application withdrawal applications in the portal along with the state fee refund application. Detailed guidelines in the help portal
    • If only the e-mail address or other means of communication have been changed in the application and it has been correctly digitally signed by the board member(s), the change would now be made immediately after submission.
    • In the view of the legal entity's data, a message will be displayed if there are unsubmitted annual reports and unpaid fines.
    • It is now possible to select one of the parallel addresses as an address.
    • When increasing the share capital with a fund issue, the confirmation of a board member can now be added to the application.
    • Adding a restrictions check to see if the data has changed in the meantime.
    • The order of articles in the Articles of Association has been changed


  • Other improvements
    • Clearer display of the number of products in the shopping cart.
    • Improvements to the signing background work
    • Improvements to the provision of usernames when concluding an automatic contract



  • Fixed errors
    • An error occurred when entering with an EBR limit has been fixed.
    • An application for reinstatement can now also be submitted when changing the address of a board member
    • Correction for paying the state fee with a credit card when reserving a business name
    • If the annual report is incorrectly marked, entries are no longer displayed in the entrepreneur's data view.
  • Other improvements
    • A check has been added to the business name reservation application to ensure that only permitted legal forms have been selected
    • A self-employed person is not allowed to choose a foreign address as the address.
    • Adding the Enterprise register search to the e-business register for state agencies.


  • Fixed bugs
    • Detailed search system error when searching with registry code
    • System error when comparing founders' contributions and empty capital
    • When changing the partners in co-ownership, there is an error in the entry form
    • Clicking on the address form in the contact details view takes you to the top of the page.
    • The logic of asking for a signature when changing shareholders
  • Changes for political parties
    • When establishing a political party, the applicant must now enter data of all 500+ members. When adding each person, it is checked from the population register whether the person meets the requirements set for a party member.
    • Improving the chronological order of party members by entry and exit time.
    • The party administration displays a list of those who have left the party.
    • When adding a new member in the party's administration, a confirmation page is no longer displayed, but a message that the person has been added
  • Other improvements
    • A button has been added to update the data of the shareholders, if the data in the statement has changed in the meantime
    • Improvement of conversion of HÜ's capital eek - eur
    • Improving the addition of a co-owner in the change entry of a limited company
    • Improving the movement from the desktop to the annual reports environment.
    • When adding a new shareholders, you can now immediately add a pledge.
    • Accessibility improvements



  • Fixed bugs
    • Write to customer support in some cases resulted in a system error.
    • An unbuilt cadastral unit no longer has to select a building.
    • Improved the section on adding a co-owner.
  • New statistics views
  • Business name reservation improvements
    • The choice of name form has also been supplemented with the choice of additions to other legal forms.
    • Addition of subspecies selection and based on this, the user is also offered a choice of name additions.
  • Other improvements
    • In the mass query, the word Turnover has been replaced by Sales revenue.
    • The loading of notifications on the desktop has been improved
    • When searching for a person in the detailed search, the country is now also taken into account in order to exclude persons from being wrongly linked to the search results


  • Improvements to entries that take effet later
    • An entry made on a specific date can now be cancelled
      Possibility to start the transformation on a certain date.
  • Business name reservation improvements
    • When sending a business name reservation notification, email changes are now also taken into account.
      The end date of the reservation will also change in the desktop view if it was changed.
  • Contract application Improvements
  • Other improvements
    • Feedback modal improvements
    • FIEs can now change the date of the existing operating period to extend the operating period.
    • The user now has the option to close system notifications.
      It is now also possible to add co-ownership in the OÜ amendment entry.
    • KU can also provide an address, even though it has the same address in its name.
    • Exchange traders will see a text in the block of actual beneficiaries that the legal entity does not have to provide the beneficiaries.
    • In the printout of the data, non-entry shares are also displayed
    • Correction of the display of members of the building association in the printout
    • The option to add a clergy name has been removed from the contact person.
    • Accessibility improvements



  • Fixed bugs
    • The document holder can now be changed only in the case of a general partnership.
    • When loading an empty file under documents, you now get a clearer error message instead of a system error.
    • The document view system error for restricting the visibility of beneficial owners no longer occurs.
    • By submitting an application, the building society itself can be made a member of the building society.
    • In the printout, the out-of-entry partners are displayed again.
    • The timeout error in the land register has been fixed.
    • An application for changing shareholders that was started earlier is updated when the application is submitted, so that the old status is not presented if the data has changed in the meantime.
  • Improvements for entries that take effect later
    • You can now also select weekend days and public holidays as the date of the entry.
    • When choosing the entry date, it is taken into account that there are 5 working days left to review the application.
  • Business name reservation improvements
    • The business name to be booked in the application list is now also displayed in the desktop view
    • A notification is now sent to the user when the reservation expires.
    • A reserved business name can be cancelled.
  • Contract application Improvements
    • Removed foreign country code and name mismatch error message.
    • The invoice email is now mandatory and will be verified.
  • Other improvements
    • Limiting the possibilities for search engines.
    • mobile view of procedural information and shareholders.
    • The company's registry code was also added to the signature request notification.
    • In the summary view, invalid business names are now separated by a semicolon instead of a comma
    • displaying co-owners in the change entry view
    • Accessibility improvements.




  • Improvements of applications:
    • In deletion applications
    • Corrections to document requests in different applications
    • Correction of the change application of building society
    • Correction of the trade union's field of activity
    • Correction of reinstatement applications
    • Correction of applications of objection
    • Other minor additions and fixes
  • Additions and corrections to the contract signing
  • Summary view improvements
    • Fix for displaying joint properties in the printout.
    • Added sorting by share size when displaying ownership data.
    • Document view display improvements
    • Annual reports - added the option to download reports in the digidoc container.
    • Display of historical data for shareholders of public limited companies (AS).
    • A note added for legal entities connected to the association, if the given legal entity has been deleted from the register.
    • Changing proceedings information. Instead of "documents submitted to the registry", information on procedures registered in the last 6 months will be displayed together with information on documents submitted to the procedure and regulations made.
  • Business name reservation fixes
  • Other minor and technical improvements and additions




  • Business name reservation application corrections:
    • Pending applications are now also displayed under private business name bookings on my desktop on the additional activities tab.
    • Fixed errors of the branch business name reservation application when moving between views in the statement.
    • Additions to the application for the reservation of a business name. Added requirements for content.
    • When starting an application for booking a business name as a natural person, the system no longer offers an incomplete project related to the person.
    • The user is no longer allowed to make new business name reservation applications if there is a valid application in the process that has not yet been resolved.
    • Activities that are not allowed for companies are no longer displayed in the user's selection.
    • Added types of documents that the user could choose for the application for booking a business name of a natural person.
    • Mobile view and other minor improvements
  • The portal now allows a person with the right of sole representation to submit an application even if there is a difference in the right of representation in the register.
  • Co-ownership can now also be added in the application to change the entry of members of the building society
  • Added confirmation of temporary manager to deletion application.
  • Now, the notification to request a signature for the application also contains information about the company.
  • Improvements to the display of co-ownerships in the overview. Now the portal correctly displays the data of partners and members in joint and joint ownership.
  • Bulk request error codes update. If it is not allowed to make a request without a personal code, a correct error message is also given
  • System accessibility enhancements (WCAG requirements).



Various fixes:

  • In applications:
    • Fixing a bug in deletion applications so that a document holder can be added
    • Display of annual reports submitted on restoration application
    • Texts in the Beneficiary hiding application
    • Errors in filing a regulatory appeal
    • Display of co-ownership share in common ownership in amendment entry and statement of objection
    • The link of the ruling in the notification of the deleted legal entity
    • Credit card payment errors
    • Application in PDF format when preparing an application to change the entry of an NGO
    • Access to the ruling during restoration
    • When restoring a general partnership, loading the information of the general partners on the application
  • In company data view:
    • Display of unsubmitted report information for reports with a longer period
    • Texts of reports not approved by shareholders in the reports view


  • Fix for changing trust management data.
  • Business name booking bug fixes.
  • Fix for reporting incorrect contact person.
  • An addition to the company's dashboard view. By default, all blocks except messages are now closed (minimized) so that the functionality of changing data is more clearly distinguishable to the user.
  • Supplement to the application for enforcement of a specific date entry.
  • Register of shareholders. Adding/changing persons to co-ownership and co-ownership in the corrected application.
  • Corrections to the logic of displaying beneficial owners.
  • Removal of the possibility to change data for deleted associations.
  • Addition to the company data view. Generating a Google link to the company's address based on ADS coordinates.



  • New functionalities due to the amendment of the law on 01.03.2024:
  • In the company data view:
    • real beneficiaries are displayed only in the block, no more data is duplicated in the additional part.
    • changed the map display logic to better display the location.
  • Accessibility has been improved in the portal:
    • Movement with the keyboard;
    • titles etc.;
  • Other improvements:
    • The change entry now correctly displays the share of co-ownership in the joint ownership of a specific legal entity;
    • Improved display of EMTAK code in mobile view;
    • The summary view shows the display of the actual beneficiaries
    • Autocomplete search fix
    • Improved text in the Beneficiary view of land improvement cooperatives.



  • Swedbank e-Startup account sends now confirmations of capital payments automatically 
  • LHV bank link improvements
  • Confirmation of binding the state fee when receiving a "bad gateway" error when paying the state fee.
  • In the summary view of the legal entity, the font size in the field of activity block is 16px -> 14px


  • Restoration improvements (including for persons with a foreign beneficiary)
  • Improvements to the Register of Shareholders
  • Correction of the error in the statement of objection and change entry in building societies
  • Fix in contractual customer EBR statistics dates
  • The control of party information from the population register has been improved
  • Display of VAT number historical information in the summary view of a legal entity
  • Display of the history of shareholders and building society members in the summary view of a legal entity
  • Improvements to the articles of association (removal of OVN signs, checks related to the council when approving the application)





  • Minor fixes in the restoration application.
  • Fix to allow the board member/liquidator access to the liquidation/deletion application
  • Corrections to the entry of beneficial owners.
  • Amendments to the Liquidation Statement. Now, an OVN-marked company can change the data of its shareholders during liquidation.
  • Amendments to the application for continuation of activity. It is now possible to remove the OVN mark.



  • Improvements of submitting applications:
    • It is now possible to submit members' data of building association in the e-Business Register
    • Fix for a performance issue when displaying OÜ or HÜ members in the statement.
    • Corrections to the display of capital  in the text of the application of the first entry.
    • Adding a control rule - if the limited company does not have an OVN indication, it is not allowed to add a person in the role of "Shareholder" as the person outside of persons entered in the registry card.
    • Supplement for asking for personal data. Now the board member is asked for an e-mail address, only if they do not have an Estonian address in the population register.
    • An addition that allows entering the nominal value of a part belonging to a limited company if this part is exactly one third.
    • Improvements to objections regarding the validity of shareholders or building society members from the portal, so that objections can be submitted.
    • Correction of display of restriction date in statement of objection
    • In the conversion entry, the deletions of the trustees will also be added to the statement
    • Amendments to the Statement of Equity Conversion. It is possible to make a statement even if some shareholders have a restriction.
  • Data view and search enhancements
    • In the case of legal entities with bankruptcy status, among the persons entitled to representation, all valid persons with the right to representation entered on the card are shown.
    • The automatic registry card translation functionality can now also translate the content of restrictions
    • Bulk query enhancements: Improved display of results for queries containing location
  • Other minor improvements and improvements to the system, visuals and background processes



  • Amendments to the applications:
    • The possibility to change shareholders added to a legal entity in liquidation even if the association has indicated a waiver of the requirement for the mandatory form of the transfer and pledging of the share
    • Corrected addition of pledges option for shareholders
    • Now it is possible to add special rights without drafting the articles of association. When adding a special right, it is required to draw up a new statute, in which a note of the special right is added by default.
    • The order of points in the application has been changed to make it more logical when entering data of capital, share and shareholders
  • Improvements to the Data View when opening legal persons data with prohibitions and displaying the validity of shareholders/restrictions


  • Elimination of a system error when entering the data of shareholders in the conversion application, and added the possibility to determine the type of document
  • Improvements to deleting shareholders
  • Improvements to the change applications, it is now possible to change the internal information (intended for the registrar).
  • Correction of co-ownership display in objection statement
  • Fix for bulk request download for counterparty entering with password
  • Now only capital conversion can be done in the capital conversion application, and shareholders cannot be changed in any other way.
  • Improving the order of points in applications
  • Filtering improvements in the "My Desktop" and "Detailed search" views. Two "shareholder" roles are no longer displayed. The shareholder role is displayed once, through which both shareholders on registry card and shareholders who are not entered on registry card are filtered.
  • Data view fixes: Displaying the rights of representation and now you can sort from older to newer and vice versa.
  • Correction of the display of the number of members of creative unions



  • Amendments to the applications include:
    • Correction to the deletion application of the building association.
    • Fix for adding a minor partner
    • Now it is possible to change the information of the shareholders immediately by entering the waiver of form requirements.
    • In case of simultaneous capital increase and decrease, the capital amount will also be displayed on the application, if it remains the same.
  • Data view changes
    • Correction of the display of the VAT number
    • Added a link to the general information section to the historical data view for general and personal information
    • In the members section of the building association, the records of the joint ownership part are now also displayed.
    • Moved the business prohibitions section on the page to make it more noticeable.
    • Added a link to the right of representation section in the right of representation section
  • Amendments to the objection.
    • Improvements to button names and added sorting by share size.
    • It is not possible to make an application to change the application to objections.
    • The objection option is no longer displayed if the company has waived the form requirements or valid shareholders are not entered to the registry card (e.g. Shareholders are registered in Nasdaq)
  • "My Desktop" improvements. Added the ability to filter by the role of the new shareholder.
  • Detailed data correction. Added the ability to filter by the role of the new shareholder.
  • Improved the functionality of the automatic translation so that free text parts of the registry card are also automatically translated.


  • Additions and corrections regarding the register of shareholders


  • Improving system performance
  • Changes and fixes for detailed data X-Road and API services


  • Entering the list of shareholders of private companies and members of the building society on the register card and related changes (new roles in services, the possibility of submitting an objection until 31.08.2024). Read more about the change.


  • Minor improvements



  • Improvements to saving foreign persons when saving last name
  • For legal persons in "Project" status, documents and regulations are again shown under procedural information.
  • Minor jmprovements to the poli parties view.
  • Corrections to the discrepancy notice.


Changes related to applications, including:

  • Improved documents view. The user is also required to add a document type to the containers.
  • The person's address and e-mail are automatically filled in if the same person is repeatedly entered.
  • In the application signing view, it is possible to resend the signing email notification even after canceling the initial signatures.
  • Corrections to the branch applications. The address of the legal representative is no longer mandatory, even if it is a foreign person.
  • Fixed view for adding documents. If an incorrect file is attached, it will be displayed immediately upon attachment and it will be required to be corrected, and the application will not be allowed to be submitted.
  • Additions to the political parties' application. From now on, it is mandatory to enter the website address as a means of communication.

Data view enhancements:

  • Additions to the view of company-related documents. If the document is not publicly visible, the record will be displayed, but the user will not be allowed to download it.
  • The views of TABs (tabs) have been removed from the collective view of the association, and they have been replaced by data blocks that can be opened from an accordion (arrow).
  • VAT history display improvements. Added display history link in the upper corner of the block.
  • Print data view corrections. Added joint property information to the extract.

Changes related to political parties:: 

  • A warning is displayed under a specific name in the list of political parties if the number of members has fallen below 500.
  • Additions to the control of political parties. When enrolling members of the political party, it is checked whether the person is legally competent, as well as the citizenship and place of residence. Also, the same data will be checked daily from Population registry, and if it is found that a party member no longer meets the conditions, the party member will be automatically expelled from the party and a notification will be sent to both the person and the party.



  • Updates in the summary view of the data of legal entities::
  • Additions to the share of shareholders and beneficial owners. Added sorting option, display of historical data, etc.
  • Additions to the field of activity section. Added "EMTAK code" column. Added activity tree hierarchy to activity area expanded view.
  • Commercial Pledge Data Updates. if there is no commercial mortgage data, the view cannot be opened. If there is history or valid data, the option to open the commercial pledge index card has been added. In addition, the display view of commercial mortgage data has been updated.
  • Euroopa Business Register service updates:
  • The contents of the "Document description" field would now also be displayed on the Ordered documents form.
  • For a political party, a valid name will not be displayed as invalid
  • Changes in the preparation of applications:
  • Added search and filtering by type of application to the application search
  • It is now possible for users to see the list of legal forms and the survey for choosing a legal form without authentication.
  • User inbox view enhancements. Newer messages are displayed first, added option to sort by all column.
  • Data protection specialist additions. Now, a data protection specialist is automatically marked as invalid if the association associated with him is deleted from the register.
  • Postal code check when entering the address in the application. (At the address in Estonia, it is checked that there are 5 digits in the postal code.)
  • Additions to the branch's parent company data. Now letters are allowed in the allowed zip code field when adding the address/location of the parent company.
  • Addition of state fee. When changing the contact person, the portal does not charge a state fee if only the address is changed, even if the address is changed outside the local government.
  • Additions to the explanation of bank payments for statements in the portal. Clarified payment order texts, both in the information sent to the bank and when the information is displayed on the portal
  • An addition to the logic of submitting a deletion application. It is no longer allowed to submit an application in the role of a liquidator, if the conditions (including the duration of the liquidation status) are not met.
  • In the application of the FIE:
    • fixed activity changes.
    • Removed the option to add a contact person in FIE applications, as the law does not provide this for FIE.
  • ​​​​Other corrections in statements:
    • In terms of capital contribution.
    • When validating an email.
    • When drafting text in the articles of association
  • Updates created for the contact person:
  • Notification of incorrect data. It is now possible for contact persons to submit applications through the portal that they are no longer contact persons of company X and to request removal through supervision. The portal allows the user to attach supporting documents.
  • Contact person data change notification. It is now possible for contact persons to automatically change and correct their data in the data of legal entities where they are entered on the register card as a contact person. A member of the board of the contact person can select X number of legal entities related to him at the same time, change the data for all of them and submit the change to the register. The system requires the signature of a representative person to submit a notification.
  • Updates to the contractual partner's user statement. Activity column added to extract.:
  • Contract application corrections and additions
    • Now it is possible to add a VAT number when concluding a contract (format check updated)
    • Contract user creation enhancements. By default, the first username option is checked when creating a user.
  • Additions to the background processes of political party lists. Automatic notification to political parties when the number of members falls below 500.
  • Correction of the name of the roles when belonging to the Artistic Association. Now the name of the role is also displayed with the membership of the Artistic Association.
  • Other visual fixes:
    • The logos of the portal have been changed, from now on the e-business register will display the coat of arms logo
    • In the user's work view, the records of regulations related to the procedure are now always displayed inside a block.
    • Mobile and tablet view arrangements. Improvements to the placement of buttons, air gaps, etc
    • Changed the color of a deleted contact notification. If the contact person is removed from the signing application in the background, the application is automatically sent back.
    • In the European Business Register, the "City" value is aligned to the left with other values.
    • Corrections to the address entry in the application for adding a person.
    • When entering the personal code on the person's form, the countries of the personal code are in alphabetical order



  • Changes to the annual reporting environment:
    • Additions to the for-profit cooperative regarding voluntary and mandatory audit/inspection.
    • The set of required data has been specified for audited branch reports
    • An auditor can now also add another auditor as an auditor-enterer or co-signer
    • Fix for displaying auditor signatures
    • Additions to voluntary auditing
    • Added the possibility of submitting a report to the owners of the unit (if the number of apartments is 10 or less, there is no board or there is no manager)
    • The default signatory role of KÜ owners is "Apartment owner


  • Corrections and additions to the Articles of Association
  • Improvements to the view of data


  • Corrections and additions to the Articles of Association


  • Changes to the annual reporting environment:
    • An option added to the reporting environment for the auditor to prepare and sign the audit report. Read more
    • Improvements to report PDF document generation
    • It is now also possible to designate a foreigner as an data inserter (we recommend checking beforehand whether the person is able to enter the portal)
    • Other minor fixes


  • Introduction of the text of the new standard statute
  • Data printout improvement
  • Improving Portal performance


  • Fixes for open data file generation bug.
  • Changes related to the conclusion of the contract:
    • minor improvements in the contracting process;
    • the contract can now be signed by several person
  • Corrections related to the appartment association application.
  • Data view additions:
    • the list of articles of association has been moved from tab view to block view
    • added a new type of announcement "Notice of intention to delete from the business register";
    • the members of the council are listed as a separate block;
    • organized printout view.
  • Contact person additions: when extending the contact person's term, it is checked whether the contact person still exists in the register.
  • Bulk Query Enhancements: Added display of actual beneficiary discrepancy tokens.
  • Open Data Enhancements: Added display of Beneficiary Discrepancies.
  • My desktop additions:
    • user filters remain even when moving between views;
    • added sorting option to "Other Statements" and "My Activities" views;
    • the user is allowed to select all roles in the roles filter even if a selection has already been made.
  • Overall visual fixes: Added translation variables, fixed modals and block alignments, sorting, etc.
  • Interactive printout of business register data: the user can now choose which data sets he wants to print out.
  • API Services Enhancements:
    • the simple data service now also issues a legal form;
    • ettevotjaChangesAdded to the free service, the option to filter non-record data according to personal roles.


  • Minor corrections/additions in the process of signing the contract, drafting the articles of association.



  • Visual changes on the home page of the e-business register: e.g. updated color of the main menu, sequence of buttons, etc.; "My Desktop" instead of "Statements" in the main menu.
  • Changes to my desktop view:.
    • Tabs have been removed from the views and a menu on the left has been added instead.
    • A new filtering functionality has been added to the page (clicking on the filtering icon opens the filtering options below it).
    • Removed unnecessary icons/links
    • Statements that need to be signed are better displayed. If a legal entity has statements to be signed, a sub-menu item for signing has now been added to the menu under the corresponding menu item. A quick link to the application has also been added when signing in the legal entity line.
  • When changing authorization dates, display the deadlines field in the application approval view. Now, before signing the application, the user can see what deadlines have been entered in the application.
  • Additions to the application for changing the means of communication (except email). The user is no longer redirected to the view of the abbreviated application, but the user remains in the same application, and if no further changes are made to the application, information on the change of means of communication can be submitted without a signature, if it is a person with legal representation.
  • Amendments to the liquidation application of the trust. Now it is also possible to submit a liquidation entry with the signature of the representative of the limited partnership.
  • Improvements to the display of the standard regulation of apartment associations (KÜ). The normal regulation of the KU is displayed if the KU does not have a board or manager and the number of apartment owners is not greater than 10.
  • Supplementing the statements of the contract concluded for the use of e-business register API services only
  • Other minor fixes/improvements:
    • Corrections to sending a notification of the expiration of a board member's term of office
    • Amendments to the Articles of Association
    • Detail query fixes
    • Automatic inclusion of the financial year period of the apartment cooperative in the application
    • Displaying political parties in project status



  • Minor bug fixes in the Beneficiary open data file and mass query functionality

mai 2023

  • Automatic deletion of contact persons for legal entities whose contact person deadline has not been submitted to the registrar.


  • Additions to the part of the representative person in the legal entity data view - it is possible to view the history, the country identifier of the personal code is also displayed as a flag for the persons;
  • Display of a warning in the data of a legal entity if a notice of deletion is published in Official Notices;
  • Addition to the search for business bans - in the absence of a ban, the name of the person searched for is now displayed on the search results page;
  • The rules for claiming the state fee when adding and deleting a contact person have been specified;
  • Minor additions and improvements in the e-startup account view of the establishment, main menu, mobile views, EBR queries, optimization of system work, etc.