Withdrawal of application

If it is decided after submitting the application to the registrar that this action is actually not wanted, it is possible to submit an application to withdraw the application to the registrar.

This action can only be performed if the registrar has not yet processed the application to be withdrawn (i.e. withdrawal is not possible if the entry has already been made or the registrar has made a denial entry order). There must be no incomplete application change applications started in the portal.

To withdraw the application, you must enter the e-business register, select "My dashboard" and then select the legal entity for which the application was made. In the legal entity view, select "Applications" from the left menu




In this view, you can see the unfinished procedure, where you have to click on the application link.



At the bottom of the statement view, you must press the "Start withdrawal" button and confirm that you definitely want it.



In the application view, you must first fill in the reason why the withdrawal is desired, then move to "Next"



If a state fee was also paid for the original application, in the next step, the data to which account the state fee is to be returned must be filled in



Additional documents can also be uploaded as you move forward if wished.

Then you have to move to the "Application confirmation" stage. If the application to be withdrawn is an founding registration application, the withdrawal application must be signed by all members of the board indicated. If it is a different statement, at least one member of the board must add a signature (if there are no exceptions to the right of representation).

If all the necessary persons have signed the application, you must proceed to the stage of submitting the withdrawal application and press the "Submit application" button



There is no state fee to be paid when submitting a withdrawal application, the application will be reviewed within five working days. The processing deadline is also displayed in the application view after submission.

Read also: Guidelines in case you wish to change the application instead of withdrawal