Approval of licenses and business notices

Once the data to be validated has been modified (birds added / removed) and verified, the reporting process can continue. The confirmation data is transferred to the registers administering the special requirements at the time of submitting the annual report (by clicking the “Submit report to the register” button).

If the confirmations are successfully sent to the special requirements registers, the time of sending the confirmations is displayed in the submitted report view.

In the registers of special requirements, the date of submission of the report shall be:

  • If there are technical problems with the transmission of confirmations to the registers of special requirements, the submission of the annual report shall not be prevented. However, the report view is displayed after the report is submitted. In the submitted report view, the user can manually restart the data transmission by clicking the "Send confirmations" button. The system also restarts the data transfer process several times during the week. If the confirmation fails to be sent within a week, a notification will be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the report's means of communication, in which case the authority managing the specific register of specific requirements must be contacted..
  • It is possible to check the success of the transmission of special confirmation requirements to the registers at any time in the submitted report view. To do this, in the view "Submitted annual reports" in the block "Submitted reports", click on the link "view" at the end of the respective report line